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The Medical Industrial Complex

Eisenhower warned us about the military-industrial complex. We've heard a lot about 'big' oil and 'big' tobacco (the later which grew out of the medical industry) as corrupting forces in America, but little is said about the most powerful industrial complex ruling us. If there is one industrial entity that holds sway over humanity with an iron grip, it is the medical industry.

Medicine is, to the sick, the key to life and death. The corporations involved are well aware of this ultimate power which they possess and are, unfortunately, far more concerned with the power itself than the good of humanity.

The medical industry spawned the medical insurance industry - allowing the prices for medical products and services to skyrocket. The costs of medical care have left many Americans destitute and homeless. With some surgical procedures costing upwards of $50,000 and death as the alternative, those who become sick are squeezed for everything they have to feed the medical juggernaut.

To take a quote from the TV series Dr. Who, "Why sell one cure when you can sell a thousand palliatives." Here's a news flash - the medical/pharmaceutical industry does not want to find cures. They prefer drawn out drug "therapies". On the side note, notice the word "therapist" = "the rapist". No coincidence here. They want you to buy lots of their over priced pharmaceuticals and it's best if these drugs have side-effects which require even more drugs!

Real cures for diseases and medical conditions are routinely suppressed. The Canadian nurse who cured cancer patients with a Native American herbal remedy was shut down. Kevin Tredeau, author of "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About" has been routinely harassed and tells about it in his book. There is a subtle war going on with the FDA over vitamins and herbal supplements. Some politicians are pushing to illegalize them and many have been already. Marijuana is illegal because it would make many popular pharmaceuticals obsolete. Also the war on drugs helps fund Black Ops like the false flag attack on the Twin Towers. Medical insurance also keeps people locked into the main stream system. Most medical insurance plans (and all of the low-cost ones) do not cover alternative medical treatments. Many do not even cover dental care. Americans are thrown on the mercy of the medical-industrial complex.

People are frightened of their doctors. They are intimidated by the power doctors hold in our society. They follow their physician's orders even when their instincts scream at them that this is not the right thing to do.

As America becomes more oppressive to live in - decline of the dollar, eradication of our human rights, dismissal of the Constitution, rising prices of everything - it's not surprising that many find themselves feeling depressed. Others just go out of their minds from working maximum hours for minimum wage in an increasingly small and super- competitive job market since most employers have gone overseas. The medical industry is ready for these people with a wide array of psychoactive pharmaceuticals to numb, zombify and most importantly, keep down any revolts.

Many of the anti-depressant drugs are fluoride derivatives. Hitler used Fluoride in municipal water supplies because of the chemical's sedative and stupefying effects. Fluoride is toxic to humans, very damaging to the teeth, bones, liver, brain and most every major system of the body. The ADA, American Dental (or Death as I like to call them) Association fully embraces fluoride and makes astounding claims for it in spite of all the evidence to the contrary. It is routinely added to our water just like in Nazi Germany, lowers IQ by up to 20 points and keeps us docile. Rotting teeth and a poisoned body are good news to the medical industry and a sedated, stupefied public is great news to a corrupted government.

I'm sure this has something to do with why we aren't seeing more resistance as our country falls to the hands of treasonous dictators.

Psychological illness has taken center stage in our culture. Almost every American has taken some form of psychoactive pharmaceutical. Children are the increasing target for this drug market. Pharmaceutical companies are even underwriting the standardized tests given to school children, determining which kids should be "medicated". Children on psychiatric medication have increased 300% in the past ten years. In today's American culture parents who do not want to drug their children are considered neglectful. Some children have even been seized from their families for refusing medical treatments. Electric shock treatments are making a real comeback and being used extensively on children, despite the overwhelming evidence that this is about as beneficial as a bullet to the brain. This all makes perfect sense when you consider how our country and we the people have been sold out, raped and reduced to slavery.

Going back to Hitler and his methods, remember Dr. Mengele and the horrible experiments done on living people? Mengele set the precedent for the medical industry. We'd like to think this kind of human torture is a dark part of our past, but it is alive and well here in the US of A. Law enforcement officers and military personelle are all part to full-time guinea pigs. They are routinely injected with whatever the government wants to inject them with, drugged and experimented on. Experiments done on soldiers in past wars have come to light. More are being done right now. These experiments are for everything from the development of new biological weapons, implanting tracking devices and genetic studies.

Many people disappear too. If you've seen Loose Change it is clear that it was not a plane that hit the Pentagon. So what happened to that plane and its passengers? The medical industry needs live human subjects.

Children are ever the helpless victims of the required immunization shots. These shots are full of mercury, even though it's supposedly been removed. Autism often develops after an injection. The medical industry is pushing for more of these required shots for American children.

With the new measures recently enabled by our government - you can be taken from your home by force, locked in a hospital and your family will not be allowed to see you. If someone can claim you carry a deadly plague, or even tuberculosis, this could happen to you.

America is in the medical dark ages. Many disabled Americans are forced to live on pharmaceuticals and be in agony for conditions that have viable cures in other parts of the world.

We must not trust our doctors. The educational system that creates these doctors is funded by the industry to indoctrinate those in the medical field. The medical industry is set up to perpetuate itself. We need to seek medical alternatives whenever we can, and fight against the suppression of cures. Do not swallow anything you haven't researched until you fully understand what it is and how it works. The pharmaceutical technicians don't even know how most modern drugs work, but they sell it anyway. You're the guinea pig.

If you still don't believe the medical industry is this powerful - go back to watching your TV and notice how many of the ads are for pharmaceuticals.