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Religion and the Alien Agenda

If you are human, with the exception of a lucky few, you were infused with religion. It doesn't matter whether your family was particularly religious or not. It comes to you brought by society as a whole. Every place has its own distinct culture of religion no matter where you go. I have rejected pretty much all of my Christian upbringing in light of what I have learned. Although, about eight years ago I discovered that, in spite of myself, when a gun is put to my head I start praying and praying hard. It's a difficult thing to intellectually transcend the deep roots of indoctrination.

Creatures in nature do not mutilate themselves, except when animals are under extreme duress (as in factory farms). No animal engages in ritual body alterations and self-imposed deprivation except humans. Our species has evolved under extreme duress. Even in the most primitive of human society, we find rituals of self-mutilation. Native peoples dwelling in idealic places, tattoo, scar, stab, pierce and slice themselves for reasons ranging from warding off evil spirits, to appeasing spiritual entities with blood. This latter tradition of corporal penance to judgmental deities, has led to some of the most gruesome practices of humanity. Genital mutilation of children, whipping and caning, human and animal sacrifice, and countless wars have all occurred in the name of "God." Religion has led to suffering, deprivation and ultimately subservience in humanity.

Besides the more bloody rituals imposed by religions there are more subtle ways in which humans suffer for their faith. Many belief systems incorporate rules of chastity or severe diet restrictions. The Amish restrictions on music. Restrictions on dancing. A common theme in most religions is restrictions on those things which give the human creature pleasure and enjoyment. We are taught that things that are pleasurable are somehow sinful and indulgence in them will inevitably lead to dangerous excess. Most accepted religions warn against the urgings of the intuition and alienate people from the spiritual part of themselves. Depriving people of simple pleasures is a way to keep them broken and subservient. The act of shaving off the hair from the head has been used widely by a variety clergies, but it has also been used extensively to dehumanize and assimilate slaves. After all, if we believe in an omnipotent and benevolent "God" who really wants only the best for us, why would this entity want to deprive us of anything good? Why does it want our souls? Why would this being even desire our praise and worship? In short, it wouldn't.

We are not alone on this planet. Perhaps we never were. There are other beings here and technologies that we are only beginning to understand. When confronted with high technology, the likes of which we have never seen before, it is easy to believe in a supernatural explanation. Imagine how a cell phone would seem to someone living in the Dark Ages of Europe? Or to a Native American before the European invasion? Now imagine how alien beings with their bright lights, power and bizarre appearance could have seemed like gods and angels to our frightened ancestors. The Alien Agenda is to get us to hand over ourselves willingly. If we believe these space beings are our saviors and lords, that makes it very easy for them.

The Biblical text is full of examples of a childish, cruel and capricious God playing tormentous tricks on hapless human beings; Abraham, Issac and Job to name just a few. Legends from any culture, all reflect the theme of other worldly beings intervening in human affairs and usually wanting blood, worship an/or obsequiousness.

In one of Phil Schneider's lectures, he mentions an alien being he'd known as going by the name of "Kril the Omnipotent". In Karla Turner, Ph.D.'s book "Taken", one of the abductees interviewed said that when she asked an alien if it were an angel, it replied "Yes, but not like you think".

Like us, these creatures have a dark sense of humor. Like us they are animals, yes animals. Mortal, in fact, Phil Schneider claimed to have killed two of them with a gun.

Most conventional religions teach us that animals are not like people, they lack "souls" and "sentience", things which are impossible to substantiate or verify. This has led to our deplorable consumeristic treatment of every living thing on this earth. (Not incidentally, but we have treated the other beings of this planet just as poorly as these hostile alien races have and are planning on treating us). Nature has a predator-prey balance, but (and some might say, with alien intervention) mankind has learned to enslave animals, keeping them captive to be used until fully consumed. In laboratory research, living creatures are subjected to horrible pain. We're told this is to find cures, but ultimately it's for the pharmaceutical corporation's bottom line. On factory farms, animals live short unnatural lives of torment. What comes around goes around. When we subjugate our fellow living beings on the basis of some questionable ancient text we are headed for ruin both morally and actually.

We are animals! Embrace it! Be it! Revel in it! Instincts are not for the birds and elephants, but a rich resource we have been long denied. Many "teachings" say to deny our inner urges, our intuition and sensibility. We are spiritual creatures with gifts we've been kept from knowing and developing, largely by "religious" restriction.

Now from what we know about the aliens through the testimonials of abduction victims, and the accounts of credible people like Phil Schneider, these extra terrestrials collect human blood and secretions to use as a transdermal food. (ie, they smear it on their skin to absorb its nutrition) Also there is some suggestion that they feed on or harness human spiritual energies. The Alien Agenda is to get us humans engaged in constant war. They want us weak, easily controlled. In the Bible in Jesus' own red printed words he says, "I come not to give you peace, but to give you the sword." He makes other violent references too.

I don't mean anybody any disrespect in what I say. I do not condemn you for having your religion, but I do beseech you to examine the origins of your theology. Question your beliefs - what if a very clever and deceptive being was responsible for the ideology you believe? What if you pledge your soul to an entity posing as God and lose it to a predatory monster?

I believe the basis of right living is in being good to your fellow creatures. We think we need religions to have a moral and ethical code, but at some point it's time to take the training wheels off the bike and learn to really ride. We need to be good for the very sake of being good, not out of fear that some mightier creature might devour us. Religions foster the "us and them" ideology. In my opinion, humanity would be better off without religion. One problem of doctrine is that written down blanket rules do not work in real life. Every situation is different and needs to be handled with intelligence and compassion. I want to awaken mankind to the fact that technologically superior beings have been manipulating and lying to us since the beginning of recorded time. I think if there is anything like a "god" it exists within us, not externally by some being that needs your soul lest you be cast into fire. They lie.

Humanity could become so much greater if it embraced love and compassion on an intrinsic level. It's not happening now, but maybe we'd have been to that point by now if we weren't busy fighting over theologies. And as for the afterlife question, I sure hope so. It's gotta get better than this, right?
